
La importància del discurs verbal en les pràctiques sanitàries és indiscutible i mereix l’atenció d’un programa de recerca interdisciplinari. Des del punt de vista de la lingüística mèdica o de la salut i l’anàlisi del discurs, aquest article explora el tema en dues [...]


The “psychosociological turn” of the sociology of language entails a new attention paid to the role of agency in language use. But this new approach can be coherent and complete only by taking into account the historical and political circumstances of language use, as well as [...]


This article shows how the narrator can tell more than what the journalistic nonfiction orthodoxy dictates. By way of narrating a source’s speech, the narrator can report states of consciousness –i.e., feelings, thoughts, perceptions– as it happens in novels that have what is [...]