
This paper is the official presentation, since the project was first started in 1978, of the forthcoming «Atles Lingüístic del Valencià Meridional i Alacantí» (ALVA) (Linguistic Atlas of Southern Valencian and Alacantí), which so far had not been explicitly publicized. This [...]


Presentació del monogràfic sobre «Dialectologia catalana».


Traditionally, the Catalan language has been divided into two great dialectal area: West and East. It was Milà i Fontanals who first established in 1861 such classification of Catalan dialects, based on the criterion of unstressed vowels: the Western dialects keep a, e and o in [...]


This paper describes, from an intra-dialect point of view, the phonological traits of pronoun clitization in Algherese. The approach is based on the restrictions upon the syllabic structure of this variety, which tends to avoid the coda between clitics and verbs and between one clitic [...]


A review of the various sub-dialect classifications of Catalan in the north of the Pais Valencià, together with a proposal distinguishing northern Valencian, with two subdialects, and southern Tortosí in the eastern border with Catalonia, provide an introduction to an elaborate [...]


This study attempts an approach to a linguistic description of the Valencian area nort of the La Nau cape. The paper tries to analize the highest number of variables in order to ascertain the dialectal adscription of this area, which shows a number of common features with Majorcan. [...]


The aim of this paper is to analyze a sample of verb morphology belonging to the speech of the Valencian area of Baix Vinalopó, in order to ascertain the effect of Catalan standard forms upon traditional spoken tendencies, once Catalan has been present at school or in the mass media [...]