Funware is an incentive strategy that uses the rewards systems typical of games in online nonentertainment contexts, to increase community participation. This strategy motivates users to act constructively in order to obtain recognition in the form of symbolic distinctions, like points [...]Abstract
Reflection on the role of public libraries in the digital information environment. The appropriate digital content niche that concerns libraries working in a collaborative approach with other cultural and local institutions is defined. The need for community-oriented content and crowdsourcing [...]Abstract
Crowdsourcing initiatives by organizations working in areas like music, design or cataloguing are becoming more frequent. Nonetheless, the absence of a consistent theoretical background creates problems, such as the existence of diverse crowdsourcing classifications that overlap and [...]Abstract
Crowdsourcing and crowdmapping tools such Ushahidi (testimony or witness in Swahili) give value to the communication chain. They allow individuals, institutions, and journalistic organizations to take advantage of the flow of information provided by the users, although the process [...]Abstract
In the contemporary audiovisual landscape, several projects stand out through innovative production initiatives based on the open and non-formal engagement of collectives, eager to contribute in some way to the project as a whole. One of the most popular examples of this form of collaboration, [...]Abstract
International audience; On the forward side, the growth of E-commerce in recent years substantially generates additional packets and parcels for distribution; meanwhile, on the reverse side, collecting returned goods is also becoming a preoccupation of sustainability, especially in [...]Abstract
Crowdsourcing (geo-) information and participatory GIS are among the current hot topics in research and industry. Various projects are implementing participatory sensing concepts within their workflow in order to benefit from the power of volunteers, and improve their product quality [...]Abstract
"jats:p"Crowdsourced, open geospatial data such as the data compiled through OpenStreetMap have proven useful in addressing humanitarian, disaster and development needs. However, the existing ways in which volunteers engage in OpenStreetMap have inherent limitations that lead to critical [...]Abstract
Research in the humanities increasingly depends on how information is structured and managed and how, on the basis of that information, new knowledge is produced. Additionally, participatory approaches, which often rely on web information systems as their supportive infrastructure, [...]