
In the context of the financial and credibility crisis, which currently permeates the communication sector, the future of journalism is going to be decided by the confidence of the audiences and their involvement and participation in journalistic processes and products. Based on online [...]


En aquest document s’analitza l'ecosistema fintech català, amb un enfoc en les empreses de tecnologia financera que faciliten crèdit al teixit empresarial. El document ofereix una visió sobre l'impacte del fintech en la disponibilitat de finançament [...]


En aquest document s’analitza l'ecosistema fintech català, amb un enfoc en les empreses de tecnologia financera que faciliten crèdit al teixit empresarial. El document ofereix una visió sobre l'impacte del fintech en la disponibilitat de finançament [...]


In the contemporary audiovisual landscape, several projects stand out through innovative production initiatives based on the open and non-formal engagement of collectives, eager to contribute in some way to the project as a whole. One of the most popular examples of this form of collaboration, [...]


over the world, raising concerns about energy conservation and the environmental impacts of greenhouse gas emissions has promoted the development of a sustainable mobility transition. Successful electric vehicle (EV) deployment plays a vital role in this manner but is still facing [...]