
There is a general interest in civil engineering to quantify the damage produced in structures by catastrophic actions. It would be convenient, from a practical point of view, to describe the state of a structure by means of a single figure that clarifies whether the structure [...]


A geometrically non‐linear formulation for composites and the resulting explicit dynamic finite element algorithm are presented. The proposed formulation assumes that small elastic and [...]


We study three “incompressibility flavors” of linearly-elastic anisotropic solids that exhibit volumetric constraints: isochoric, hydroisochoric and rigidtropic. An isochoric material deforms without volume change under any stress system. An hydroisochoric material [...]


This work is being carried out under the framework of a thesis at the center of materials Mines -Paristech. The goal of this thesis is to realize a first digital twinning for a composite structure which is the Composite Pressure Vessel (CPV). By using the technique of data assimilation, [...]


Wood is a heterogeneous material, whose morphology and topology make the prediction of its mechanical behavior complex under different boundary conditions [1-3]. In this way, different constitutive models with different scale lengths have been developed since the middle of the [...]


In this work, a numerical methodology for simulation of impact damage in laminated CFRP structures has been developed and implemented into the Abaqus/Explicit software. The methodology is based on the recent insights into the mechanical behaviour of CFRP materials at various strain [...]