
The aim of this paper is to analyse the features of calderonian writing in a partially autograph manuscript. The manuscript Res-79, by which the second version of El mayor monstruo del mundo is preserved, allows observing two fundamental aspects in this dramatic creation pro-cess [...]


Autora: Montserrat Cerqueda Serrando, degana del l’Il·lustríssim Col·legi de Graduats Socials de Barcelona, Girona i Lleida.

Nom de l’eix: 4. El capital humà i el futur del treball. Salari mínim.

Justificació [...]


In conceptualizing information systems always there have been a dilemma between two options: either use them as mere automation tool over the existing situation, or convert it in an enhancer element, i.e. a radical transformation facilitator. A historical example is examined and future [...]


The results of the 2010 Cotec report on the culture of innovation among Spanish young people on the European scene are not very optimistic. There is a socioeconomic and cultural environment that is not ideal to promote an innovation culture. Therefore, analyzing the situation and [...]


Based on experiencies in document and knowledge management, the article explains ten aspects that must be considered in order to carry out successfully a project on document management.


Management decision to initiate or develop internationalization depends on the ability to take advantage of opportunities afforded by foreign markets. Factors determining whether these opportunities may be profited from are: access to information and the cognitive approach of the [...]


In recent years, very few studies have classified and analysed the evolution of the business activities carried out by Spanish companies that provide information and document management services. Aware of the importance that these issues have for university centers and for graduate [...]


Corporate websites have been challenged to incorporate storytelling narratives that favor emotional bonds with their stakeholders. This paper establishes four categories of implementation in the companies of IBEX 35 and reveals its delay of companies listed in the Dow Jones index. [...]


A descriptive analysis of marketing techniques used by Spanish and foreign franchise companies operating in Spain has been carried out. The aim was to describe and analyse the relevance of the communication resources used by these companies when providing information to their three [...]


Radio is an audio communication medium that has always stood out for its credibility and close relationship to its audience, which makes it an appealing option for organizations that want to make their responsible behavior known. The Covid-19 pandemic has created a new landscape in [...]