
This interim report for Task 4.1 looks into the current sales and market trends for electric vehicles worldwide, as well as in several European countries, and brings out a set of factors that are likely to influence the French market for PEVs in the short term (2020). We identify [...]


This thesis deals with the study of current charging infrastructure availability in highways, as well as proposing optimal allocations for new stations. First, a Machine Learning model is trained in order to estimate the actual range of an electric vehicle. This model will be constructed [...]


von Siegbert Zöhrer Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Technische Universität Wien, Masterarbeit, 2018


The Paris Agreement was formed in 2015 to reduce the environmental impact and limit the increase in temperature to 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. It is believed that an electrification of the transport sector will reduce its negative environmental impact. To reach the goals [...]


To deal with the massive deployment of electric vehicles, charging stations must be properly placed. This is an extremely important issue that must be resolved before many electric vehicles are manufactured and governmental authorities start adopting policies to initiate higher electromobility. [...]


native fuel vehicles (AFVs) face the lack of refuelling infrastructure as one obstacle to initial market diffusion. Also potential operators of refuelling stations await significant market shares before constructing a dense refuelling network. The resulting lock-in effect or chicken-egg-problem [...]


This paper examines information services in association with charging services, and in particular players that offer information services related to charging service offerings from many different operators. It identifies two main types of business models through studying and comparing [...]


The operation of public and semi-public charging infrastructure is often not profitable yet. However, the integration of charging infrastructure in microgrids enables the introduction of innovative business models, e.g. by local renewable energy generation and storage units. Another [...]


Electrically powered buses in public transportation are increasingly being put into operation. The energy supply needs a careful planning just to keep all busses continuously in operation and to avoid power peaks in the grid. This problem is solved by a two-step planning procedure [...]


Over the last two decades, electrification has gained importance as a means to decarbonise the transport sector. As the number of Electric Vehicles (EVs)increases, it is important to consider broader system aspects as well, especially when deciding the type, coverage, size and location [...]