
I trace here the evolution of present subjunctive markers in Catalan and, in general, in those Romance languages where the fall of final unstressed vowels allows exemplification of the tendencies toward morphological optimization, as well as some of the naturalness conflicts produced [...]


The autor evaluates written documents and oral linguistic production in order to study the development of language and linguistic change, and regrets the fact that have little influence on historical linguistics.


En aquest article d’orientació geolingüística i diacrònica, basat fonamentalment en dades de l’Atles lingüístic del domini català (ALDC) i del Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic (CICA), s’analitzen més de vuitanta denominacions catalanes del crepuscle. D’una banda, [...]


This paper presents phonetic-phonological variation in articulatory and perceptual terms, both at segmental and suprasegmental levels. It also presents the determining factors of linguistic diversity and change, that is, the factors responsible for the external, geographical (intra-dialectal [...]