
Anna Murià’s work is on the margins of Catalan exile literature. This article, conceived within the theoretical framework of autobiographical literature, is an attempt to contribute to the clearing up of some of the keys to its interpretation. The fictional and testimonial work [...]


Carles Salvador's daughter offers here a great amount of previously unknown information about the life of her father. This information deals with topics such as his background and family relations, the changes in his professional activities as teacher, and how he was professionally [...]


On the basis of a testament until now considered as lost, the author offers new documental evidence on Joan Roís de Corella's date of birth. This new information is particularly relevant at a moment when Corella's influence on writers, like for instance Joanot Martorell, is very [...]


On the basis of the documental evidence presented in the Appendix, the author asserts the fact that the poet Jordi de Sant Jordi died in Barcelona –probably in the Royal Palace– between the 12th and the 15th of june 1424.


Aquest article fa un seguiment del tractament literari de la mort de la primera filla del poeta Vicent Andrés Estellés en la producció escrita durant el primer any des de la mort, és a dir, des de la primavera de 1956 fins a la de 1957. Aquest període abraça textos d’algunes [...]