Telecommunications reform, one of the pillars of President Enrique Peña Nietos highly-publicized structural reforms, was enacted to recognize as human rights access to: (i) information and communications technology; and (ii) broadcasting and telecommunications services, including [...]Abstract
Hacia fines del siglo xix, los conocimientos científicos que orientaron la investigación y la enseñanza médica en la Universidad de Buenos Aires trazaron un estrecho vínculo con el saber letrado. De la mano de médicos como José Ramos Mejía (1849-1914) o José Ingenieros (1877-1925), [...]Abstract
The new media landscape is characterized by the fragmentation and disaffection of the audience towards The new media landscape is characterized by the fragmentation and disaffection of the audience towards traditional television. Such a context requires innovative strategies to meet [...]Abstract
The aim of this study is to identify which values and emotions are transmitted in the favorite fictional TV programs of children aged between 8 and 12, according to their particular type of structure. Based on the analysis of media consumption reported by participants and their parents, [...]Abstract
The author of this paper considers the new pedagogical patterns arisen from new television communicational patterns as a new challenge for education. We will need to increase the knowledge of the users and a serious analysis of the audiovisual informationAbstract
A non growing up language is a dead language. Media make oral language rich and adapt themselves to people changing circumstances in order to improve their own language. Media language, enriched by very rapid progress, is essential for social discussion bAbstract
Besides familiar and academic socialization, the autor of this paper defends the real existence of an influencing and newcoming mediatic socialization. This happens mainly because media have a big influence on audience. Media are, without any doubt, the mAbstract
This paper revises the history of research on the influence of television and cinema violence on the world image created by children. The author makes a reflection an this polemic topic, coming to the conclusion that the whole society is responsible for bAbstract
The work represents the methodological approach used for a research project conducted by the Center for Media Studies in the School of Communications (Santiago de Chile). The objective was to evaluate, through in-depth interviews, new types of relationshi