
The present article provides a (neo)baroque reading of the dystopic and postapocalyptic universe of Homero Aridjis’ (Mexico, 1940) Gran teatro del fin del mundo. The use of dystopia and allegory subverts the Western anthropologic paradigm: utopias of continuous progress and triumphant [...]


«The passion for order» that characterizes the Caledonian works can be seen in the optics capacity of the dramatist to produce auto sacramentales that maintain a direct correlation with the preceding pictorial works. In this line of analysis, this study presents the convergence [...]


The author of this article reviews the critical bibliography of the sacramental plays by Lope to show how scholars have always considered that this writer adapted elements and resources taken from his comedies into the sacramental plays. Actually, this article analyses the code of [...]


Eco y Narciso demonstrates the paradoxical coexistence of mutually exclusive views of its mythological material: on one hand, in the foreground of the scene, as it were, we have a tragic reading of the myth characterized by te moving representation of subjective feeling and a realist [...]


Literary works recreated in a religious sense from a profane work are known as «contrafactae». They were developed between the 13th and 16th and even during the 17th century. A contrafactae- writer chooses a profane theme and develops it extensively in order to show [...]


In Calderón’s sacramental plays, we frequently find stage effects of dreaming, in which the characters sleep or dream different actions. The author of this article divides these effects in two types: dreamers and sleepers. We can not consider this theatrical operation as a simple [...]


This paper proposes an analysis of the semantic structure of the calderonian auto La serpiente de metal, combining the concepts of allegory and typology (taken from Biblical exegesis), those of symbol and sign (as defined by Niklas Luhmann), and those of meaning, fulfillment and evidence [...]


Estudio de los espacios míticos en los autos de argumento mitológico de Calderón, tales como islas, laberintos, jardines, o palacios maravillosos, analizando las dimensiones alegóricas orientadas por textos bíblicos y patrísticos en un ejercicio de síntesis cultural característico [...]


El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en las coordenadas temporales del auto y sus implicaciones en la plasmación de la alegoría, tanto desde un punto de vista dramático como teológico, para apreciar el alcance específicamente escatológico de este auto primerizo.The present [...]