
Περίληψη: Αυτή η διπλωματική εισάγει, για πρώτη φορά στη βιβλιογραφία, την χρήση υπεργράφων για την ταχεία δημιουργία αποτελεσματικών συνασπισμών αυτόνομων [...]


The Danish EDISON project has been launched to investigate how a large fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) can be integrated in a way that supports the electric grid while benefitting both the individual car owners and society as a whole through reductions in CO 2 emissions. The consortium [...]


International audience; Simultaneous development of photovoltaic generation and electric vehicles strengthens the solicitations on the electric power system. This paper investigates the possible synergy between these players to jointly improve the production predictability while ensuring [...]


Electric vehicles (EVs) have received wide attention due to their higher energy efficiency and lower emissions. However, the random charging and discharging behaviors of substantial numbers of EVs may lead to safety risk problems in a distribution network. Reasonable price incentives [...]