Serie : Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5859 The amount of seniors in need of constant care is rapidly rising: an evident consequence of population ageing. There are already some monitorization environments which aim to monitor these persons while they remain at home. This, [...]Abstract
In this era of ubiquitous computing, coupled with the emergence of big data and internet of things, there have been constant changes in every aspect of cloud data center communications - its network connectivity, data storage, data transfer, and architectural design. As a result of [...]Abstract
We evaluate the situational impairments caused by cold ambient temperature on fine-motor movement and vigilance during mobile interaction. For this purpose, we tested two mobile phone applications that measure fine motor skills and vigilance in controlled temperature settings. Our [...]Abstract
In this paper we propose a mobile sensing solution that uses Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and discuss its potential in future everyday use cases. The proposed design enables novice end users to classify various objects using NIRS and without prior knowledge of the technology [...]