
Within a website design process, usability evaluation is a key step to ensure success. Among the various evaluation methods, user testing provides information about potential performance problems, such as the effectiveness and efficiency with which users perform tasks on the web. [...]


Louis Rosenfeld, a renowned specialist in information architecture, comments on various topics such as the difference between that discipline and user experience, trends in interfaces, problems when redesigning websites, semantic web, mobile internet, methods of conducting usability [...]


The user experience framework (UX) serves to analyze the characteristics, preferences and perceptions of non-users of the public library to inform the (re)design of services. Empirical data come from a representative survey of the Catalan population aged 15 and over. In general terms, [...]


Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers regularly turn to heuristic indicators that have been collected throughout years of research and praxis. Nevertheless, [...]


The user experience framework (UX) serves to analyze the characteristics, preferences and perceptions of non-users of the public library to inform the (re)design of services. Empirical data come from a representative survey of the Catalan population aged 15 and over. In general terms, [...]


The emergence of digital technology, social media and ubiquitous computing in the 21stcentury changed customer behavior and created new possibilities, but also challenges, forcompanies offering their services. The new customer generation is more tech-savvy thanever before, and therefore [...]


Remote usability testing tools are very valuable and useful in the design and management of usability tests. These tools can help simplify and streamline our processes. We describe the tool “Loop11” in detail and offer comments on what we learned from our experience with it in [...]