
The complex relationship between Mérimée and Golden Age theather poses three questions that are closely related. In first place, what was the specific knowledge of Carmen's author from one of the three most outstanding theathers invented by Modern Europe? Then, what was his opinion [...]


The success of Spiritual Literature in Golden Age, especifically St Augustine prays and his autobiography Confessions, are used by Lope de Vega to reflect the official position of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The Sacramental play shows these rethoric aspirations and Lope, in [...]


Review of Fernández Mosquera, Santiago, Calderón: texto, reescritura, significado y representación, Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert , 2015, 354 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8489-897-9 (Iberoamericana) / 978-3-95487-438-5 (Vervuert)