
This article analyzes the use of the phrase «cuidadoso descuido» in seduction scenes of some picaresque narratives. The origin of this phrase is dual: «descuido» is the Spanish translation of sprezzatura, a key concept in Renaissance courtly manuals; and «cuidadoso descuido» [...]


This work takes as its starting point Eugenio Asensio’s affirmation that the greatest admirer of Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos and his comedies would have been Lope de Vega. He attempts to prove this thesis by pointing out the similarities between the Eufrosina (1555) and Lope’s [...]


The author as a theatre director, compares Pedro de Urdemalas, the principal hero of Cervante’s comedy, with Berganza, from the Converstaion of the Dogs. In the parallel of these two meta-theatrical works, he establishes some differences between the dramatic and the phililogical [...]


The Coloquio de Gila by Lope de Rueda, which came to light less than a decade ago, presents the figure of the black woman Sofía with a number of identifying characteristics. Some of these characteristics are already found in poetic texts that contain a noticeable element of dramatisation [...]


This paper analyzes the inquisitorial prohibition of Lope de Vega’s The fianza satisfecha at the end of the eighteenth century. Criticism has judged very negatively this comedia, whose authorship is uncertain. The fianza satisfecha was denounced to the Inquisition (Logroño, 1781; [...]


The article reviews the rivalries among the major poets of the Golden Age, particularly in the sphere of the theater. The papel examines the relations of friendship or enmity between Lope, Góngora, Tirso, Cervantes, Calderón… within the framework of the battle for popular applause [...]


This paper aims to analyze how the scenic word built the devil’s image and the diabolic, in four Spanish Baroque plays: El esclavo del demonio («The Devil’s Slave», 1612), by Antonio Mira de Amescua (1577- 1636); El condenado por desconfiado («Damned for Despair», 1635), by [...]


Our article aims at determining a scheme in order to group the main information about the merchant in the Spanish Golden Age theater, having a look at both the positive and negative images, in perfect agreement with the doctrines of that time. In order to achieve our purpose, we will [...]


This paper offers an approach to the main features and conventions of the burlesque comedy of the Spanish Golden Age, a corpus formed by about fifty parodic plays that were performed during Carnival and on St. John’s Day as part of the court festivals celebrated in the Royal Palace [...]