
“Águila Roja”, Globomedia’s TV series broadcasted by the Spanish public national wide television TVE (Televisión Española), has been turned into an interesting audience phenomenon in the last years in Spain; that’s the reason why it [...]


This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the bond of the audience with the fictional world. The study shows that based on the solid construction of the [...]


This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the bond of the audience with the fictional world. The study shows that based on the solid construction of the [...]


In this paper we will analyze the representation of the school experience particularly higheschool and college in the American televisión program «Buffy, the vampire slayer». The series tells a story about maturation and responsibility showing values with which young people can [...]


This article attempts to mitigate the absence of data and empirical research on the different types of production of Spanish television fiction, from the initial predominance of in-house production to the near complete industry wide trend of outsourcing. The sample includes 490 productions [...]