
Manuel Altolaguirre fue el único poeta de la Generación del 27 que escribió un libro dedicado por completo a Garcilaso. Garcilaso de la Vega (1933) es una biografía que, a pesar de carecer de una metodología rigurosa, esclarece la vida del poeta al establecer paralelismos entre [...]


The present work updates research on Spanish Golden Age comedy bills and reproduces the so far known ones. It also offers valuable new information, in the light of current databases, meticulous library and archive catalogues, and the constant research carried out by qualified specialists [...]


Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert reached the number 100 of its prestigious book series “Bibilioteca Áurea Hispánica” with a volume dedicated to the Sacramental Plays of Calderón and it has also recently published La Obra Completa of Mateo Alemán, first edition of the Complete [...]


Despite of the influence of the Arabic literary models and themes they were relegated into the background after the Middle Ages; nevertheless it is possible to trace those elements in the oral and written literature during the Golden Ages. An example of this influence could be the [...]


From the 15th century on, the practitioners of the mechanical arts obtain a new self-confidence and do no longer want to be regarded merely as manual workers. In this context, they frequently underline the mathematical basis of their discipline in order to increase its value from [...]


This paper analyzes the inquisitorial prohibition of Lope de Vega’s The fianza satisfecha at the end of the eighteenth century. Criticism has judged very negatively this comedia, whose authorship is uncertain. The fianza satisfecha was denounced to the Inquisition (Logroño, 1781; [...]


Tragedy was born in Greece and was subsequently claimed and defended in Europe during the Renaissance and Baroque but, this being a gender as orthodox as changeable, it will be necessary to resort to a new reading of its components in order to adapt them to the reality of the Golden [...]