
Some theoretical contributions to the Media Literacy set up the dialogue, the exchange and the renegotiation of meanings as a starting point for interaction and knowledge. In all these approaches, the environment becomes a vital factor, because in its position we find the social interrelations [...]


This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on the question of how to create social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities. The project’s central hypothesis is that urban diversity is an asset; it [...]


This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on the question of how to create social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities. The project’s central hypothesis is that urban diversity is an asset; it [...]


This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on the question of how to create social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities. The project’s central hypothesis is that urban diversity is an asset; it [...]


This report analyses some of the key literatures on contemporary urban diversity and its relationships with governance, social cohesion, social mobility and economic competotiveness.


This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on the question of how to create social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities. The project’s central hypothesis is that urban diversity is an asset; it [...]


Diverse neighbourhoods represent significant opportunities for different forms of entrepreneurship, which can contribute to their economic regeneration. This policy brief focuses on entrepreneurship in deprived and diverse neighbourhoods. It discusses the relations between diversity [...]


variety of local governance arrangements and initiatives exist in urban neighbourhoods that use diversity in a positive way and aim to improve the social and economic conditions for its residents. This policy brief focuses on such arrangements. It calls for an increase in sustainable [...]


Policy makers worry about the negative impact of the concentration of disadvantaged groups and minority ethnic groups on social cohesion in deprived neighbourhoods. A popular response has been to diversify the housing stock as to house more households with a higher socioeconomic position, [...]


In this article the relationship between two broad concepts will be explored. The first concept is social sustainability, a concept still in discussion. The second concept is smart mobility, a new concept, related to IT- related mobility options and solutions. How social sustainable [...]