There is an increasing interest on the various applications of the SSR Mode S (secondary surveillance radar - mode selective) for air traffic and airport traffic management. This paper discusses the applications of ICAO standard Mode S signals, in particular in the down link channel [...]Abstract
In Air Traffic Control, ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) systems provide surveillance information as obtained by the cooperating airplanes. This usage of air-derived data and of a common link opens various issues: performance in dense traffic area, signals validation [...]Abstract
utomatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) systems provide to the air traffic control centers flight and status information of the cooperating targets. Problems due to jamming and/or spoofing of the ADS-B channel are under study, as well as verification and validation techniques. [...]Abstract
Fog is a significant factor affecting the Air Traffic Control (ATC). Significant limitations of the airport capacity are due to fog that causes the reduction of the visibility (Runway Visual Range, RVR). Today METAR (Meteorological Aviation Report) and forecasts TAF (Terminal Aerodrome [...]