
The town charters of modern period, very abundant in the Valencian Country, mainly as a result of the repopulations that followed the expulsion of the Moriscos (1609), have not been studied so far from a linguistic point of view to a large extent because until a few years ago we did [...]


In this paper a series of considerations are developed about Valencian diarists of the xvii century, some generic and textual constants are extracted from them and the significance of this documentary corpus for linguistic history is evaluated.


In this article we are given an overview of the written production of J. V. Ortí, a member of a family of Valencia public notaries who had connections with the municipal government during the XVII century. This author, in spite of his pro-Bourbon ideology stance, often used Catalan [...]


En aquest article s’estudien les fonts i els préstecs literaris que es poden detectar en «Lo Desengany», una notable peça dramàtica en dos actes escrita per Francesc Fontanella cap al 1650. Bon coneixedor de la literatura clàssica i de les iteratures més importants del seu [...]