
Part 5: Resource Management; International audience; There is a demand in the Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) community for high bandwidth services on mobile devices. Group communication is an important aspect of PPDR networks. In IP based networks multicast is the preferred [...]


ddis Ababa, with an area of 540 km2 and with population of 3.1 million people is experiencing a rapid pace of socio-economic and physical transformation. The city is not only the political, commercial, economic and financial hub of the country but also an international city serving [...]


Les réseaux de la nouvelle génération (Next Generation Networks) sont basés sur l'intégration des différentes technologies d'accès. Pour garantir la QoS et la mobilité transparente d'un terminal se déplaçant d'une technologie d'accès à une autre, une gestion spéciale [...]


International audience; Efficient vertical handover mechanisms are required to provide service continuity over available and upcoming heterogeneous wireless access networks. They should provide low delays and good accuracy to meet service requirements. In the literature, proposed [...]


International audience; To meet the continuously increasing demands and requirements of mobile users, next generation wireless systems are more and more relaying on the coexistence of heterogeneous wireless networks. The objective is to provide any time and anywhere connectivity to [...]


hough Quality of Experience (QoE) is perceived as a subjective measure of a user’s experience, it is the only measure that actually counts to a user of a service. It is essential to identify, quantify and ultimately improve the perception of QoE for a user. The PERIMETER project [...]


This paper focuses on the concept of the seamless mobility (provided by vertical handover mechanisms) in heterogeneous Future Internet Networks in the context of the HURRICANE project. We discuss future open collaborative network architectures and propose a set of entities that [...]