
Over the past twenty years, the high penetration of mobile phones as a means of interpersonal communication, especially among adolescents, has facilitated access to broader social environments outside their own family. Through the extension of their social environment, teenagers [...]


«Cinema and Health» Programme has been created as a tool to improve the quality of health education on teenagers and it is developed by ESO teachers. Films go deeply into emotions, feelings and personal abilities and they also show everyday life situations to make easier for young [...]


How does technology interact with the way in which we relate with information, communication and knowledge? The integration of these three dimensions conforms the nucleus of the symbolic ecologies. Throughout history, these symbolic ecologies have been constructed and transformed [...]


The generalization of a technological and digital screen world shows a complex reality. Traditional communication systems and new unknown relation with other novel and strangers converge in this reality. The television already has entered the digital world. The digital technologies [...]


How do new screens –like iPhone or mobile phone’s– interact with their technological ancestors, such as television, cinema or video? Recent research activities in many countries reveal that audiovisual circulation and consumption habits let us argue that new media are not substituting [...]


The aim of this article is to trace new audiovisual consumption habits, analyzing which screens are preferred by people in Spain when watching different types of content online. In addition, we study the use of second screens, an increasingly common phenomenon. The main sources of [...]


The study of a population’s media habits and, in particular, the youth population, can allow us to predict the new communication ecosystem. Current networked social movements are characterized by citizen mobilization (especially young people), the occupation of public space, and [...]