
This article contains a deep analysis of the sacramental play Auto Sa­cramental del Juego del Hombre written by Luis Mejía de la Cerda in 1625. The piece is composed taking a card game as the core topic and representing Christ as a player betting amongst the Death, Devil and World. [...]


This paper analyzes a specific motif, the eagle, as one of the sacramental items best known of the calderonian bestiary. Their study is done through several layers: the compositional, the morphological, the biblical, the political-symbolic and the scenic, showing the complexity of [...]


The author of this article analyses the medieval romance with the theme of La bella malmaridada, the woman unfaithful, and studies the evolution of this topic so far until the Sacramental play by Lope de Vega La adúltera perdonada. It is also considered a comedy by Lope with the [...]


Calderón de la Barca’s La hidalga del valle is an auto sacramental, or allegorical religious play, written in defense of the mystery of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The playwright made two versions of the play, one to be performed in carts (carros) [...]


This paper provides an analysis of the main metric and rhetorical aspects of Calderon’s sacramental play La siembra del Señor. I study the metric aspects related to the textual setting, the application of a metric scheme that is used in order to establish the segmentation of the [...]


The present work gives a possible explanation for the disappearance of El primer blasón católico de España, a sacramental play of Calderón that was performed in 1662 and of which not a single trace is left. Parting from the title, and supposedly in contrast [...]


This article analyses the Spanish television adaptation of Calderón’s sacramental play La vida es sueño by Alberto González Vergel (1965), focusing on changes such as the elimination [...]


I analyze Andrés Barajas’ illustrations of Calderón’s El gran teatro del mundo, manifesting the philosophical and theological hypertexts with iconographic palimpsests that influenced the prints of Barajas. Parting from the formal and hermeneutic input [...]


El valido reapareció en España con el duque de Lerma y Felipe III a finales del siglo XVI. A partir de ese momento se escribieron obras de teatro en las que este personaje se convirtió en protagonista. Lo interesante es que no solo encontramos validos en las comedias y dramas, [...]


El trabajo presenta los resultados de un análisis de los papeles cómicos en los autos de Calderón a partir de los nuevos datos proporcionados por las ediciones críticas de la Colección de autos completos. Se abordan especialmente las diferencias en las funciones del personaje [...]