The modelling of liquid flow in gas‐stirred vessels is described. A simple two‐phase model accounts for the buoyancy effect of bubbles. Friction between liquid and gas is modelled with the hypothesis of independent bubbles. The resulting PDE system is discretized with an original version of the SUPG‐FEM technique which stabilizes both the convection term and equal‐order interpolations for velocity and pressure, which are known to be unstable for incompressible flows. The resulting steady state discrete system is solved via pseudotemporal explicit iteration with a local time step and a preconditioning to homogenize the temporal scales for liquid and gas.
The modelling of liquid flow in gas‐stirred vessels is described. A simple two‐phase model accounts for the buoyancy effect of bubbles. Friction between liquid and gas is modelled with [...]
This work is devoted to the simulation by finite elements of nearly incompressible inviscid flows in real 3D geometries, by means of an Euler code based on the SUPG (streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin) method, explicit forward Euler pseudo‐temporal time integration and periodic and absorbing boundary conditions, among other features. The main goal is the application to flow around turbomachinery, with special emphasis on the performance analysis of a given machine, that involves several numerical computations at different operation points. Finally, these results are summarized in the form of characteristic curves.
This work is devoted to the simulation by finite elements of nearly incompressible inviscid flows in real 3D geometries, by means of an Euler code based on the SUPG (streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin) [...]
This work is devoted to the simulation by finite elements of nearly incompressible inviscid flows in real 3D geometries, by means of an Euler code based on the SUPG (streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin) method, explicit forward Euler pseudo‐temporal time integration and periodic and absorbing boundary conditions, among other features. The main goal is the application to flow around turbomachinery, with special emphasis on the performance analysis of a given machine, that involves several numerical computations at different operation points. Finally, these results are summarized in the form of characteristic curves.
This work is devoted to the simulation by finite elements of nearly incompressible inviscid flows in real 3D geometries, by means of an Euler code based on the SUPG (streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin) [...]
In this paper we present stabilized finite element methods to discretize in space the monochromatic radiation transport equation. These methods are based on the decomposition of the unknowns into resolvable and subgrid scales, with an approximation for the latter that yields a problem to be solved for the former. This approach allows us to design the algorithmic parameters on which the method depends, which we do here when the discrete ordinates method is used for the directional approximation. We concentrate on two stabilized methods, namely, the classical SUPG technique and the orthogonal subscale stabilization. A numerical analysis of the spatial approximation for both formulations is performed, which shows that they have a similar behavior: they are both stable and optimally convergent in the same mesh-dependent norm. A comparison with the behavior of the Galerkin method, for which a non-standard numerical analysis is done, is also presented.
In this paper we present stabilized finite element methods to discretize in space the monochromatic radiation transport equation. These methods are based on the decomposition of the unknowns [...]