
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been one of the most discussed areas in computer networking over the last years. The field has raised an extensive amount of research, and led to a transformation of traditional network architectures. The architecture of SDN enables the separation [...]


[ANGLÈS]Lately, the emerging paradigm of Software-Defined Networking has grown in presence and claims to simplify future networking. The decoupling of network control and forwarding plane proposed by this architecture allows the control of the entire network behavior by means of [...]


demanda de eficiência no gerenciamento das redes aumenta atualmente devido ao rápido desenvolvimento da computação em nuvem e a implantação em grande escala de centros de dados. O controle da infraestrutura deve ser capaz de classificar os diversos tipos de tráfego para aplicações [...]


Key features of satellite communications such as wide-scale coverage, broadcast/multicast support and high availability, together with significant amounts of new satellite capacity coming online, anticipate new opportunities for satellite communications services as an integral part [...]


In the recent years more and more existing services have moved from local execution environments into the cloud. In addition, new cloud-based services are emerging, which are characterized by very stringent delay requirements. This trend puts a stress in the existing monolithic architecture [...]


National audience; This research paper proposes IEEE802.3az incorporated green algorithmic schemes on the software defined networking-based segment routing (SDN-based SR) centralized network. The proposed schemes are the green (i.e. the EAGER and CARE metrics) SDN-based SR networks [...]


International audience; Energy consumption has become a limiting factor for deploying large-scale distributed infrastructures. This work 1 seeks to improve the energy efficiency of backbone networks by providing an intra-domain Software Defined Network (SDN) approach to selectively [...]


International audience; Software Defined Networking (SDN) has attracted tremendous interest in the telecommunication industry due to its ability to abstract, manage and dynamically re-configure end-to-end networks from a centralized controller. Though SDN is considered to be a suitable [...]


International audience; In Software-Defined Networking, near-real-time collection of flow-level statistics provided by OpenFlow (e.g. byte count) is needed for control and management applications like traffic engineering, heavy hitters detection, attack detection, etc. The practical [...]