
The technological landscape in relation to the minors presents numerous challenges facing the telecommunication industry, with families and schools. However, academic literature still remains silence in showing the strategic policies that the industry is managing in order to address [...]


One of the main challenges facing the information society is the decline of citizen participation. Despite the ease of communication, citizens close into themselves within their small familiar and social context, turning their backs on world problems and becoming more and more isolated. [...]


Parents usually think they and their children are victims of TV. This thought usually involves that they think they can not be guilty. Parents are responsible for the quality of TV programmes that their children see as viewers. TV can not be understood without understanding the emotion [...]


A constructive theoretical view of everyday topics (in this paper context, we mean health) allows us to spot on communication models and cultural features of important daily aspects. This paper holds health up as a model of knowledge inside cultural programme fields. By drawing on [...]


In the context of the financial and credibility crisis, which currently permeates the communication sector, the future of journalism is going to be decided by the confidence of the audiences and their involvement and participation in journalistic processes and products. Based on online [...]


The current debate in the academic sphere regarding the role of extreme right-wing parties during the coronavirus pandemic extends to its communicative aspect. While some authors argue that these parties have focused their messages on the perspectives of fear, the threat represented [...]


The discussion about the quality of television contents, which has so strongly arisen in recent years, provides both elements for optimism and aspects that foster a sceptical position at the same time. The good intentions of improving programmes and of protecting children and youngsters, [...]


The antivax movement is now a constant phenomenon with increasing social implications. This study explores how the antivax movement is articulated in Romania on the basis of qualitative analysis applied to interviews. Our pilot study focuses on the opinions of 100 persons who oppose [...]