
The autor covers the development of the Renaixença in Valencia (1830-1909), and divides it into two periods, the beginning (1830-1859) and splendor (1859-1909). This latter stage is further sub-divided into the period between 1859 and 1874, which was dominated by Llorente and his [...]


The author presents an exhaustive analysis of the inextricably united concepts «llengua» (language) and «pàtria» (homeland) as used by the writers of the Renaixença in Valencia. This leads him to the conclusion that there was no coherent sense of nationalism.


The author analyzes the first two periods of the magazine «El Mòle», discussing the political and ideological framework, the strictly literary production, the language used, and the relationship between the magazine and the Renaixença.


More has been written on the politics and ideology of the Renaixença in Valencia than on the aesthetics of its literature. The author analyzes the innovative literary production of a group of poets of the Restoration who have been ignored until now.


Llorente, in spite of his political and literary conservatism and his unitary beliefs concerning language, employed several linguistic registers in order to maintain his position as the intellectual leader of the Renaixença in Valencia.


The literary-linguistic thought of the father of the Renaixença in Valencia (his conception of the socio­linguistic functions of Catalan, his vision of the unity of the language, his assessment of the various literary genre, etc.) forms a coherent system and can be explained by [...]


As director of «La Opinión» from 1861 to 1866, Llorente presented his conception of the Renaixença in Valencia.


The autors reconstruct the biography of Father Soler, explain why he re-edited Espill de ben viure in Catalan, and discuss the morphological and lexical annotations he made in the edition.


A partir de la dècada dels anys 60 del segle XIX, els escriptors catalans començaren a bandejar les velles denominacions de «llemosí» i «llengua llemosina», aplicades a la llengua comuna, en favor de «català» i «llengua catalana». Tanmateix, els escriptors valencians, [...]


Anàlisi de vuit poemaris dels principals autors de la Renaixença valenciana, a fi de comprovar quina imatge oferiren del País Valencià. Una visió que està unida a la descripció del paisatge, entès aquest com aquell que pot oferir una descripció més tangible del país. Aquesta [...]