
This paper deals with topology optimization in plane elastic‐linear problems considering the influence of the self weight in efforts in structural elements. For this purpose it is used a numerical technique called SESO (Smooth ESO), which is based on the procedure for progressive [...]


In this article, the nonlinear constitutive behavior is considered in the geometrically nonlinear formulation for beams proposed by
Simo and Vu-Quoc. The displacement based method is employed in solving the resulting nonlinear problem in the static case. Thermodynamically [...]


The purpose of this paper is to develop an improved analytical model for predicting the damage response of multi-storey reinforced concrete frames modelled as an elastic beam-column with two inelastic hinges at its ends. The damage is evaluated in the hinges, using the concentrated [...]


The paper introduces a new global damage evaluation method which leads to a meaningful global damage index. A numerical procedure for the prediction of local and global [...]


Is presented hereby the creation of an optimization software for the design of reinforcing steel [...]				


Is presented hereby the creation of an optimization software for the design of reinforcing steel for any type of structural elements which may be considered as columns, pillars, pilots or foundation dies, subjected [...]				


Often the mere mention of the word “Sustainability” leads to the reflection of the effect of our actions on environment and future generations. Especially the application of reinforced concrete as the most used construction material has a huge impact on a society being [...]