
The author stresses the importance of the Borja family (mainly referring to the popes Calixto III and Alexandre VI) in the Italian as well as the European cultural and political context of the second half of the xvth century, and the beginning of the xvith century.


Review and contextualisation of biographical, bibliographical, linguistic and ideological facets of Martí de Viciana el Vell (the elder) and his grandson Rafael Martí de Viciana (with special attention to linguistic attitude). By contrasting them, it serves to throw into relief [...]


The author shows how cereal imports from southern Aragon into the Valencian kingdom encouraged contact between medieval Valencians and Aragon. Through the documents collected, we can observe the links between southern Aragon and Valencia, discover the specific geographics of such [...]


This paper shows that the contact with Aragonese has shaped the structure of Valencian vocabulary. Many words traditionally accounted for as Valencian mozarabisms should rather be viewed as aragonesisms or castilianisms; some of them arrived in remote times, as the new Valencian Kingdom [...]