
In this article, I propose reading one section of sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s poem «Primero Sueño» as a philosophical reflexion about the discussion between realists and nominalists, on the one hand, and as a reflexion about the preferable based realist/nominalist methodology [...]


The article offers a panoramic review of the relationship that Catalan poetry had with diverse sciences and technology, in the period which goes from the beginnings of Romanticism (although it still presents some illustrated reminiscences) to Realism and Naturalism. The theoretical [...]


When Pere Calders applied with Ronda naval sota la boira (1957) for a prize, it was unwelcomed by the jury; nine years later he published it with negative reactions from the critics. A possible explanation can be credited to the fact that Calders, cleary conscious of his challenge, [...]


The present paper analyzes the results of a qualitative investigation developed by the Spanish public television on the values and characteristics of the national television fiction genre, as well as other aspects of its latest evolution. The conclusions of this qualitative analysis [...]