
'''The improvements in monitoring devices result in databases of increasing size showing dam behaviour. Advanced tools are required to extract useful information from such large amounts of data. Machine learning is increasingly used for that purpose worldwide: data-based [...]


Computational fluid dynamics is a cornerstone for the modern aerospace industry, providing important insights on aerodynamic analysis while reducing the need of expensive experiments and tests. Nevertheless, simulations of complex geometries are often performed on a discrete spatial [...]


In seismic hazard assessment, reliance on Vs30 proxies and 1D shear wave velocity profiles often leads to underestimated ground motion. This is particularly evident in areas with complex geological structures, such as Greater Beirut (GB). The metropolis, situated near active seismic [...]


Aquest treball investiga la problemàtica de la manipulació comptable. En concret, té l'objectiu d'identificar variables quantitatives i qualitatives que permetin distingir a les empreses maquilladores de les no maquilladores. Per a això, s'utilitza [...]


Conventional concrete is the most common material used in civil construction, and its behavior is highly nonlinear, mainly because of its heterogeneous characteristics. Compressive strength is one of the most critical parameters when designing concrete structures, and it is widely [...]


There are many factors that affect urban traffic flow. In the case of severe traffic congestion, the vehicle speed is very slow, which results in the GPS positioning system’s estimation of the vehicle speed being very inaccurate, which in turn leads to poor reliability of the [...]


mospheric turbulence poses a significant hazard to aviation, with severe encounters costing airlines millions of dollars per year in compensation, aircraft damage, and delays due to required post-event inspections and repairs. Moreover, attempts to avoid turbulent airspace cause flight [...]


During the past two decades, several methodologies are endorsed to assess the compatibility of roadways for bicycle use under homogeneous traffic conditions. However, these methodologies cannot be adopted under heterogeneous traffic where on-street bicyclists encounter a complex interaction [...]


Eix 10: La contribució dels professionals de l’economia

Justificació del seu interès

La incidència del frau i maquillatge comptable en els estats financers és un [...]


International audience; The most important part of the train's energy is consumed by the traction system. The tractive energy depends mainly on the driving behaviour. Improving driving strategies has great potential to enhance the energy efficiency. This paper presents a speed profile [...]