The effect of waterproof membrane and steel reinforcement protection on the concrete bridge deck is modeled. The attention is paid to the durability prediction related to steel reinforcement corrosion initiation based on the chloride penetration. Thus 2-D finite element chloride [...]
This article presents the study of structural reinforcement for a building of educational use, known as "Old Type II". The school was built before the creation of the Venezuelan SeismoresistantCovenin 1756. The results of the structural analysis showed insufficient responsiveness [...]
Glass fibers were used to investigate the impact of loose fiber reinforcement on the performance characteristics of"br" asphalt mixtures. For the laboratory tests on asphalt mixes a fiber content of 0.5 mass.-% was chosen. This paper"br" presents selected results of fatigue, stiffness [...]Abstract
Numerous work has been done with the aim of modeling the cracking of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Among the recent methods proposed in the literature, the combination of reinforcement-concrete equilibrium combined with the linear behavior of the interface leads to a Helmholtz [...]Abstract
Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) insurance links an individual's driving behaviour to the insurance fee that they pay, making car insurance more actuarially accurate. The best known PAYD insurance format is purely mileage based and is estimated to reduce accidents by about 15% (Litman, 2011). [...]