
Although urban development around transit stations doesn’t lead to a direct financial contribution for the Transit Agency (or other infrastructure or planning body) it is “absolutely essential” to the long term viability of the transit investment (SKMG 1996, p. 4). The transit [...]


The report seeks to display available evidence on the extent to which recent (post-World War II) major rapid transit improvements in the United States and Canada have influenced urban land use. From this compilation are derived several types of conclusions. The factors governing the [...]


The number of private vehicles increased dramatically during the last two decades in the island of Cyprus. This phenomenon had a negative effect on the bus transport mode which over the years its use has been considerably reduced. As traffic congestion increased considerably during [...]


Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon, faces huge traffic congestion, the cost of which is estimated to be more than 2 percent of the city's gross regional product. Effective policies are needed, based on weighing their overall economic cost and benefit to society. This study developed [...]


Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital is one of the world’s fastest growing megacities, but many are breathing polluted air. This report estimates that in 2018, air pollution caused more than 11,200 premature deaths in Lagos. Children [...]


This study looks at the project practice in light of the strategy as declared in the sector paper. The main focus is on the first decade of the urban transport lending program (1972–82). By and large, this batch of projects adhered [...]


The study consisted of developing a compendium of profiles for all free-standing urban transport projects funded by the Bank in calendar years from 1999 through 2009, followed by a first-pass synthesis of patterns and trends. There were [...]