
The "open data" movement is becoming more popular in different contexts: public administration, science and companies; therefore, it is important to know its scope. The term has generated a lot of expectations related to transparency at all levels, data reuse and free access. This [...]


Given the backwardness of public administrations to implement e-government tools in practice and in everyday life to make life easier for citizens, public libraries prove to be far more advanced, offering both technical infrastructure and advice to their users to search information [...]


The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fecyt) is a governmental tool for the integration of ministerial activity. With its cross-sectional nature, Fecyt tries to ensure that universities, research centres and companies get the most out of innovation. It also pays great [...]


A picture is presented of the state of library and information professionals and disciplines in Spain. Statistical data are provided about both the number and type of Spanish libraries and archives as well as practising professionals according to geographic distribution, training [...]


After a general introduction to concepts such as eGovernment, eDemocracy and eGovernance, a brief reflection on the situation of the Spanish public administration in relation to the internet is offered. The opportunities that information and communication technologies offer to carry [...]


The notion of “information subsidy” was introduced by US media researchers to refer to informational materials that an organization’s press officers place at the disposal of journalists covering an informational event. Based on this idea, this research examines the online pressrooms [...]


More and more people think that we are transforming the model of society, changing from an industrial to a knowledge model, where data and information are its raw material. In this context many open data initiatives are being developed by public administrations around the world in [...]


Public administrations must adapt to the current needs and demands of society, characterised by growing complexity, increasingly rapid change, and greater density of the interrelationships between individuals. The intensity of the necessary organisational changes brings us to define [...]


The entry into force of the Spanish act about digital access (Ley 11/2007, BOE  n. 150, de 23/6/2007) has produced a decisive impact on the development of records management projects in organizations. The Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions , the body that publishes [...]


The weighty structures of government are forced to evolve due to the ubiquity of social networks in all areas of society. Governments should lose their distrust of web 2.0 and assume the changes brought about by these new ways of communicating with the public and among officials. [...]