
Will the crisis affect libraries? Can we defend libraries in times of crisis? This paper argues that we can answer yes to both questions. The crisis will affect libraries and one form of influence would be that we come to believe that in these times of scarcity we cannot defend libraries [...]


A 2007 survey and the views expressed by professionals active in the discussions generated by the Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya provide relevant data on the current profile and the demands of information and documentation professionals. A number of [...]


Since March 2007, a group of information professionals from the autonomous region of Madrid has been working voluntarily and independently on the creation of a professional college for archivists, librarians and information scientists. However, it is necessary to present a bill at [...]


Deontological codes are a moral reflection centered on the duties and rights of a profession, which set the minimum moral standards required for its activity and which function as a self-regulating mechanism of professional praxis. This article analyzes the Public Relations codes [...]