
The name of letters, derived from Latin, are not exactly the same in the various Romance languages. The study of references to the name of letters made by grammarians and lexicographers reveals the continuity of forms going back to the origins of language and still remembered, although [...]


By means of a choice of seventy words, this work shows the lexical richness and the degree of acceptance of the guidelines –defined in the Diccionari General de Llengua Catalana by Pompeu Fabra– regulating nine bilingual Valencian/Castilian and Castilian/Valencian vocabularies [...]


This article describes the process by which the Nou Diccionari Normatiu de la Llengua Catalana (NDNLC) has been made; this dictionary brings up to date and regularizes Pompeu Fabra’s Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana (DGLC), which implies, on the one hand, adding to the [...]


In this article Casanova uses various archives –in particular that of Emili Beüt i Belenguer– to reconstruct the process of elaborating the general dictionary of Valencian. This dictionary was written during the Spanish civil war through the IEV, an organization in which Salvador [...]


By studying step by step, from beginnig to end, Father Fullana's grammatical studies, Prof. Simbor offers the reader the possibility of following the ideological evolution of this outstanding Valencian grammarian during three main periods: A unitarian one (1902-1915), a secessionist [...]


This article studies Sanchis Guarner's Gramàtica Valenciana, trying to assess its relevant contribution, referring not only to the author's ideology and established goal, but also to its historical context and to its Catalan as well as Valencian precedents, like Fabra on one side, [...]


The purpose of this article is to make the inventory and analysis of the hispanisms incorporated in the dictionary of Pere Labernia which were later excluded of the standard Catalan codified by Pompeu Fabra. Considering that the Labernia dictionary is the most important of those made [...]


Abstract: This article offers a detailed critical comparison of the literary languages deployed by Josep Carner in two different Catalan versions of Molières’s Le Malade imaginaire. The first one, published in 1909, had been made in 1905 for a stage production by Adrià Gual; the [...]