
The practice of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) has developed substantially during the last decade, calling for more qualified professionals. Education, training, and growth capacity for MSP, however, are (still) some of the less addressed themes in MSP forums and specific learning [...]


This chapter discusses how the UK planning system and local planning practice have responded to the ethnic, cultural, religious and demographic diversification of British society generated by 20th- and 21st-century waves of migration. Planning theorists and practitioners have advocated [...]


There is growing concern that MSP is not facilitating a paradigm shift towards democratic marine management and that it may simply repackage old power dynamics in the rhetoric of participation. MSP has been advanced using the logic of 'rationality' and 'post-political' forms of planning [...]


This chapter addresses the migration of scientific professionals from Portugal in the past few decades, focusing on the ‘pull’ (which attract skilled workers to a country) and “push” (which repel workers away from the country of origin) factors that drive this migration. Based [...]


This chapter investigates the role of Environmental Citizenship within the twenty-first-century societal issues of human activities - urban development, transport systems, tourism, and cultural heritage. The first part of the chapter analyses the relationship between Environmental [...]


International audience; En este libro se presenta una reflexión sobre los riesgos a los cuales está expuesto el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito –DMQ– considerando la cuestión de la movilidad cotidiana de las personas y la cuestión de la accesibilidad. Este análisis se funda [...]


The objective of this paper is to establish a comprehensive view of societal trends that have an impact on mobility and logistics in the future. Based on a review of scientific literature, the output of European research projects and reports from consultancies, the result of this [...]


Globalization and global travel have existed for centuries. It is over the past century in particular, however, that travel has become truly global, in the sense that most and not just some travel can in some way or other be said to globalized. Indeed, with the invention and spread [...]


This paper focuses on the application of environmental justice principles specifically in the transport context. It begins by giving a background of the environmental justice movement and a definition, and proceeds to describe current legislative mandates in the United States. A holistic [...]


The best assets of any community college are their students. Students learn, grow, thrive, and, often, remain in their community to help others do the same. They are vital to the development of their communities. Their voices, unfortunately too often silent to policy makers, can contribute [...]