
Este artículo se desprende de una investigación mayor acerca de la economía funcional del discurso kirchnerista. El discurso político argentino contemporáneo se encuentra saturado de términos que designan emociones o recursos que pretenden emocionar, indicadores no tanto de [...]


Immigration and its regulation are key issues in society and, as such, are subject to political discourses that show the arguments of the different social actors, especially political parties. Press is one of the main mechanisms used by these social actors to show such discourses. [...]


This paper addresses an aspect not yet investigated in Spanish political communication: the use of data mining systems and machine learning in the construction of political discourse. This text details the potential of Calisto software, which was designed and implemented by the Popular [...]


In the context of the political instability shown by the calling of four general elections between 2015 and 2019, the populist party Vox gained parliamentary seats for the first time in a country that, thus far, had always remained outside of European trends. When populism, and especially [...]