
The phase-field model has been attracting considerable attention due to its capability of capturing complex crack propagations without mesh dependence. However, its validation studies have primarily focused on the ability to predict reasonable, sharply defined crack paths. Very [...]


We present a phase-field model for fracture in Kirchoff-Love thin shells using the local maximum-entropy (LME) meshfree method. Since the crack is [...]


Crack propagation in brittle materials with anisotropic surface energy is important in applications involving single crystals, extruded polymers, or [...]


We propose a phase-field model for the coupled simulation of microstructure formation and evolution, and the nucleation and propagation of cracks in single-crystal ferroelectric materials. [...]


We present a phase-field model to simulate intergranular and transgranular crack propagation in ferroelectric polycrystals. The proposed model couples [...]


We present a family of phase-field models for fracture in piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials. These models couple a variational formulation [...]


Ferroelectric ceramics are susceptible to fracture under high electric fields, which are commonly generated in the vicinity of electrodes or conducting layers. In the present work, we extend [...]


We simulate the fracture processes of ferroelectric polycrystals in three dimensions using a phase-field model. In this model, the grain boundaries, cracks and ferroelectric domain walls [...]


This paper presents a family of phase-field models for the coupled simulation of the microstructure formation and evolution, and the nucleation and [...]