
The author studies the changes taken place in the stories which have given rise to the theatrical play in its passage from the genres of narrative to drama, from narrated history to performed history.


«La ciutat cansada» és una novel·la inacabada, encara que deixada en un estat molt avançat d’escriptura (onze capítols i l’esquema d’un epíleg), de Pere Calders, publicada pòstumament l’any 2008. Va començar a ser escrita l’any 1944 i va ser abandonada definitivament [...]


Pere Calders’ long exile in Mexico gave rise, in a literary sense, to the works which critics have given the name “Mexican themes”: «Gent de l’alta vall», «L’ombra de l’atzavara» and «Aquí descansa Nevares», published together in volume 2 of his «Obres Completes», [...]


Abstract: This paper reexamines the different types of irony present in La Glòria del doctor Larén (1936), Pere Calders’s first novel. These include meta-fictional reflections by narrators and characters and other ironic means within reach of the narrator in the exercise of his [...]