
This article analyzes and compares the cultural and audiovisual features that determine the styles and informative treatment of similar news content, issued by two private means different country: Peru and Spain. The study was made using the protocol Fact Efficient Model Construction [...]


It is known that mining activity is synonym of investment, growing and development, however many times it becomes cause of controversies, difficulties and unrest; not only between the mining enterprise and the impacted communities but also the government gets involved in the conflicts. [...]


This article is a new interpretation of the Epistle of Amarilis to Belardo. Using a close reading of text and a detailed analysis of the text’s sources, we discover that it is more than just a complaint from one of Lope’s female admirers, finding that the letter by Amarilis, in [...]


Sr. Director, leyendo con detenimiento un interesante artículopresentado en la Revista Evidencias en Odontología Clínica 1que trataba sobre “Manifestaciones clínicas bucales enpacientes con amebiasis y giardiasis en Espinar, Cusco” 1 ; seapreció [...]


En el contexto de un proceso de concesiones portuarias paralizado y de un debate acerca de la conveniencia de retomarlo, este estudio evalúa el desempeño del terminal de Matarani, administrado desde 1999 por la empresa Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A. (TISUR), y único puerto [...]


The article analyzes the onomastics of the Indian characters, the portrayal of the Inca Empire of Huáscar and Atahualpa, and the Christianization of Guacolda and Yupangui in Calderón’s La Aurora en Copacabana. Rational and proactive, these two characters realize the illegitimacy [...]


A quantitative analysis of the scientific production of Ecuador in the Andean context is provided for 2000-2013, using data provided by the SCImago journal & country rank (SJR). We identified the indicators of absolute production and growth rate, and used three indicators to evaluate [...]


Reseña de Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La aurora en Copacabana (una comedia sobre el Perú), edición crítica de José Elías Gutiérrez Meza, Madrid / Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2018, 338 pp. ISBN: 978-84-16922-66-6 (Iberoamericana), 978-3-95487-689-1 (Vervuert), [...]