Critics have pointed at new technologies as culprits in the decline of civic life, neighboring and social capital construction in Western societies. When applied to community design and planning processes, technologies can empower residents to actively engage in decision-making, foster [...]Abstract
Teenagers have a close relationship of complicity with television, tainted by narcissism: only exist for them evident, agreeable and gratifying things. A serious and useful analysis requires outlining the profile of the teenagers today, as well as the environment of relationships, [...]Abstract
Audience participation in any of its forms and denominations [public journalism, citizen journalism, participatory journalism, user generated content (UGC), etc.], seems to revitalize democracy. Public discussion is possible thanks to information and communication technologies. The [...]Abstract
Visiting libraries and documentation departments is a common activity in information management teaching and training programs. However, these visits very often lack the necessary elements tomake them productive training experiences and not merely social activities. Prior preparation [...]Abstract
With desktop availability of electronic publications, researchers have reduced significantly their visits to libraries. A new role for librarians is described: their integration into academic departments, becoming part of research teams. They would perform tasks such as information [...]Abstract
A review of the state of digital media in Spain in 2007 considers the following aspects: redesign, new newspapers, use of video services, participation services, and free access to digital archives.Abstract
Some aspects that have characterized the evolution of online media over the last year are analysed, paying special attention to pending matters still to be addressed. Since the advent of the internet, media have delegated their survival to technological innovations, and 2014 was no [...]Abstract
In recent years the digital media have opened their doors to so-called citizen journalism. Nevertheless, far from some declarations that present the reader as another journalist, the reality is very different. This article compares the sections of informative participation in four [...]Abstract
The objective of our study is to measure the visibility of the Spanish press in Menéame, the most important social content manager in Spanish, during 2007 and the first quarter of 2008. To this end, the number of news items published in Menéame is counted and averaged with votes [...]