
Component: 1.3.1 Develop and propose a conceptual methodology for transboundary MSP in the Northern Atlantic, with operational details on selected aspects Sub-component: Conceptual method: major steps Despite the lack a common, accepted specific methodology for transboundary [...]


Component 1: Supporting Implementation of MSP Sub-component 1.3.3: Data Information requirements for MSP The Analysis of Data Needs and Existing Gaps – Specifically Relating to Transboundary Working report is an intermediary document related to the SIMNORAT action on data exchanges. [...]


Component: 1.3.6. Establishing case studies on approaches to MSP implementation Sub-component: CS#1 Assessment of concomitant pressures in the Bay of Biscay The SIMNORAT case study “Bay of Biscay” aims to demonstrate the cross-border cooperation between Spain and France in a [...]


Component: 1.1 Initial Assessment Sub-component: 1.1.1 Initial Assessment MSP oriented This initial assessment report aims to provide a synthetic and shared overview of existing conditions and dynamics of the SIMNORAT project area. "Living document", this report has evolved and [...]


Component: 1.3.1 Develop and propose a conceptual methodology for transboundary MSP in the Northern Atlantic, with operational details on selected aspects Sub-component: Coordination of sectorial policies Several policy instruments available draw the legal framework of the [...]


Component: 1.3.1 Develop and propose a conceptual methodology for transboundary MSP in the Northern Atlantic, with operational details on selected aspects Sub-component: Most appropriate geographical scale for MSP at national scale A specific task on the definition of the [...]


Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation C1.3.2 Marine protected area took into account in the context of marine spatial planning Comprehensive review of MPA policies: in the SIMNORAT area, over 30 different MPA categories [...]


Component 1: Supporting Implementation of MSP Sub-component 1.3.3: Data Information requirements for MSP The implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), defined in the MSP Directive 2014/89/EU requires high quality maritime spatial data and information. Data sharing is favored [...]


Component: 1.3.6. Establishing case studies on approaches to MSP implementation Sub-component: CS#2 North western marine waters of Iberian Coast Case Study This report is the output of one of the case studies of the SIMNORAT project, shared by Portugal and Spain. All background [...]


Component: 1.1 Initial Assessment Sub-component: 1.1.3 Marine Environment Annex The purpose of this document is to identify the specific ecological characteristics of the marine management area. It aims at identifying where the particularly sensitive or ecologically important areas [...]