
One of the main internet trends is the increasing access to information through mobile devices, especially smartphones. The so-called mobile web is affecting all areas, including very versatile uses for scientific activity. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the use that the scientific [...]


The Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya presents its technological experience and outcomes of the last 5 years. The article also describes the human resources used for the implementation of the projects and the working method usually followed. [...]


Mobile devices today have become the center of our connectivity. Radio companies tailor their content in several ways: podcasting, streaming, and mobile applications. The aim of this paper is to learn more about the mobile app content of the most popular talk radio stations in Spain. [...]


It is quite common in the library and information world to find mobile applications (apps) to query scientific journals, bibliographic databases or university libraries. However, there are no apps that offer bibliometric indicators about universities, researchers, etc. We describe [...]


The increasing relevance of personal information has sparked a broad debate on privacy issues on the ubiquitous Internet. The so called ‘privacy paradox’ aims to explain through rational decision-making models the contradictions between stated digital privacy concerns and the [...]


The increasing relevance of personal information has sparked a broad debate on privacy issues on the ubiquitous Internet. The so called ‘privacy paradox’ aims to explain through rational decision-making models the contradictions between stated digital privacy concerns and the [...]


The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key ingredients for the realization of Smart Cities. IoT devices are essential components of the Smart Cities infrastructure, as they can provide information collected from the environment through sensors or allow other systems to reach out [...]


Due to the increase of the greenhouse effect and consequent climate changes, over the years, plans for reducing carbon emissions have been presented and discussed. One of the best ways for reducing and neutralizing carbon emissions is to use of collective transports, which is also [...]


Rapid adoption of smartphones and the business success of the Apple App Store have resulted in the rampant growth of mobile applications. Seeking new revenue opportunities from application development has created a gold rush. However, free or very cheap applications constitute a great [...]