
Metaphor is a means of conceptualizing the world around us and an anthropological universal of expression wich helps us apprehend time in terms of space. The purpose of this paper is thus to analyse a series of time metaphors in Catalan, and more particularly the vado + infinitive [...]


The author presents some principles of Cognitive Linguistics useful in dealing with metonymy and metaphor as semantic resources in relation to idioms and proverbs. Beyond their interest for studies of Literature and Linguistics, these resources show how the human mind works.


Catalan costumisme (literary genre of local customs and manners) is an attempt, historically delimited, to understand life and its agents from ancient, archetypal patterns. Phraseology and metaphors exemplify the literary manisfestations of costumisme. In this framework, novels by [...]


This paper deals with the subject of nominal(ized) style in contrast with clausal style. Expressing processes and qualities as entities involves a certain kind of metaphor –a grammatical metaphor, in the sense systemic functional linguistic conceives it. Furthermore this device [...]


Elvira Teruel offers a wiew of metaphor as a natural device of human cognition instead of a pure ornamental tool. Metaphor is then shown as a factor of meaning construction pervasive across different kinds of discourse, including conversation and jounalistic discourse.