
More and more media students complete their studies with professional placements every year. At the same time, each year more universities include such experience as an integral part of their curricula. This is in recognition of the fact that a learning process takes place during [...]


This article questions the relationships between literacy, media literacy and media education. In the process, we connect the findings from a range of our ethnographic research and use these to propose new forms of practice for critical media literacy. By ‘after the media’, we [...]


Based on theoretical and methodological orientations from authors’ previous research on media and generations, this article presents a research and learning process involving supervised field work conducted by graduate students from a Master Seminar on Media Studies at FCSH, New [...]


Habitualmente se piensa que los fans y los trabajos hechos por fans se basan únicamente en la adoración de éstos por los textos de origen, pero esto no es cierto: los fans son muchas veces los críticos más feroces ya que, al conocerlos tan bien [...]


Over the past few years, two new audiovisual products have arrived to the Web: documentary web (webdoc) and interactive music video. The emergence of these new subgenres is due to three related conversion factors: the evolution of online audience participation, the arrival of new [...]


The current positioning of research on Communication from a historiographic perspective and its legitimacy through the creation of symbolic capital are addressed. The research is divided into three parts: (1) the origins of the academic disciplines of Communication are inspected through [...]


Infotainment comedy is the branch of infotainment that mixes current affairs content with comedy. “Infotainment” is a relatively new term, first cited by Krüger (1988); as a television trend, academics agree that it must have existed much earlier, with English-language examples [...]