
We present and discuss some differential aspects of scientific publications on mathematics in relation to other sciences. This discipline should be treated as a distinct case from the point of view of bibliometrics, information science, and productivity assessment of mathematics r[...]


International audience; The resolution of Air Traffic Control (ATC) conflicts is a constrained optimization problem : the goal is to propose, for a certain number, n, of aircraft, which might be in conflict in a near future, trajectories that satisfy the separation constraints between [...]


The mass adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) requires the deployment of public charging stations. Such facilities are expected to employ distributed generation and storage units to reduce the stress on the grid and boost sustainable transportation. While prior work has made [...]


The history of demand modeling for person travel has been dominated by the modeling approach that has come to be referred to as the four step model (FSM) (see Chapter 2). Travel, always viewed in theory as derived from the demand for activity participation, in practice has been modeled [...]


International audience The two first CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies) Specialist Conferences on Guidance, Navigation and Control (CEAS EuroGNC) were held in Munich, Germany in 2011 and in Delft, The Netherlands in 2013. ONERA The French Aerospace Lab, ISAE (Institut [...]


We consider a stochastic routing model in which the goal is to find the optimal route that incorporates a measure of risk The problem arises in traffic engineering, transportation and even more abstract settings such as task planning (where the time to execute tasks is uncertain), [...]


The modern emergence of automation in many industries has given impetus to extensive research into mobile robotics. Novel perception technologies now enable cars to drive autonomously, tractors to till a field automatically and underwater robots to construct pipelines. An essential [...]


In a dynamic network, the quickest path problem asks for a path minimizing the time needed to send a given amount of flow from source to sink along this path. In practical settings, for example in evacuation or transportation planning, the reliability of network arcs depends on the [...]


We study the interaction between pricing, frequency of service and information provision by public transport firms offering scheduled services, and we do so under various regulatory regimes. The model assumes that users can come to the bus stop or rail station at random or they can [...]


In Europe, the preferential tax treatment of company cars implies that many employees receive a company car as part of their compensation package. In this paper, we consider a model in which wages and the decision whether or not to provide a company car are the result of direct negotiation [...]