
The application of reliable predictive methods for the seismic vulnerability assessment of historical buildings represents a challenging issue in the process of risk mitigation at regional/national scale, in order to undertake appropriate strategies aimed at achieving acceptable safety [...]


The Gothic style spread, starting from the 12th century, from the Ile-de-France to England and other countries of the Mediterranean area, such as Spain and Italy, according to different configurations and construction techniques, influenced by economic, environmental and social factors. [...]


The meaningful seismic events occurred in Italy in the last decades showed the high vulnerability of monumental buildings and in particular of churches. In order to preserve such a precious heritage, operations aimed at the seismic risk mitigation based on the definition of suitable [...]


Several seismic events have demonstrated the vulnerability of masonry churches. The long seismic history of the Italian territory has provided materials to observe and to study the structural performance of churches. Since the 1976 Friuli earthquake many studies have contributed to [...]


The seismic protection of cultural heritage is an important topic that has been faced by several researchers in the last decades. Seismic events of the past have highlighted the need of achieving a proper knowledge of the vulnerability of cultural heritage, in particular of churches, [...]