
Component: C1.3 Support for Member States' implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning Sub‐component: C1.3.6. Establish Case Studies on Approaches to MSP Implementation Deliverable: Var Case Study Within the SIMWESTMED project PAP/RAC aims at demonstrating the implementation [...]


Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation Deliverable: Marine Protected Areas in the Western Mediterranean Region – Mediterranean database completion and analysis Completion work through SIMWESTMED has addressed each designation [...]


Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation C1.3.2 Marine protected area took into account in the context of marine spatial planning Comprehensive review of MPA policies: in the SIMNORAT area, over 30 different MPA categories [...]


Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation C1.3.2 Marine protected areas in the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coasts database completion and analysis Completion of the North East Atlantic MPA database: to enhance decision makers [...]


Component 1.3.2 – Spatial demands and future trends for maritime sectors and marine conservation Deliverable: Taking Marine Protected Areas into account in the context of Marine Spatial Planning This specific report, part of the component on Spatial Demands, aims to provide an [...]